Year in Review: 2019 Goals

Like so many others, I'm astonished that the bullet train that was 2019 sped by as quickly as it did. On January 1st, it was my intention to slow down and enjoy each day. Time didn't slow as I'd hoped it would, but we made a lot of memories, most of which were good, one scary, and another sad. I'd hoped to add everything here, but doing so made the post ridiculously long, so I'll start with a review of my 2019 goals.


At the beginning of the year, I posted my 2019 goals: study the French language, be more diligent about practicing my flute, and "clean as I go," meaning declutter and keep things decluttered on a daily bases.

My French studies are going well. Je peux parler le francais maintenant? A bit, but I'm far from fluent. According to my Duolingo stats, as of last Monday (December 16th):
  • I've learned 13,073 words, a good portion of which I actually remember
  • I've completed 3,735 lessons
  • I spent 249 hours on the app studying French (that's both good and sad.)
I plan to continue my studies throughout 2020, D.V. though perhaps not as intensely. At the beginning of 2021, I'll start on Spanish.

My decluttering efforts were also a success. We still have a few small piles of paper on our counter, but our house feels roomier and somehow lighter and airier. My musical goals suffered, though. After a month of practicing the flute, I gradually stopped. I need to improve on that front.

In my next post: There and Back Again--A Year of Travel, Some Unexpected