Rejected...or Seasoned?

I'm currently reading Ulysses S. Grant memoirs and gaining a lot of insights into our nation's history, landscape and that which I despise, politics, all of which has influenced our country in various ways today. But more than that, I'm learning about the man himself, and what I'm reading both teaches and encourages.

Cannon waits at Gettysburg
Copyright K Buffaloe
This morning, I learned that when the War Between the States broke out, Grant sent a letter to the Adjunct-General of the Army offering his service to his country. The AG not only ignored the letter, he failed to file it properly. Not long after, Grant traveled to Covington, Ky to visit his parents. While there, he tried to meet with General McClellan, then headquartered in Cincinnati. McClellan ignored him.

Grant wasn't an ambitious man seeking to make a name for himself. He came across as humble, a man with a servant's heart whose attitude seemed to be, I have knowledge and experience in this field, if you're interested, use me. But even when he did receive a command, he wasn't confident in his abilities.

Someone eventually recognized his worth, and four years after the AG ignored Grant's request to protect the Union, Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant, ending the war.

For those who are discouraged, it is a reminder that sometimes God says no to prayers. Sometimes He's simply saying, not yet, the time isn't right.