Out of the Mouth of Babes Comes Near Death

My daughter has a two-year-old who can aptly be described as precocious. Not only does he call his mom by her first name despite her constant reminders that she's MOM, he loves country music and belts out hearrrt and beer!!!! during one of his favorite songs.

He has also taken up cussing. I don't know if he picks it up at home. I don't hear that kind of talk when I'm visiting there. He does hear it during movies though, and the kid decided he likes the way it sounds. During one Arnold Schwarzenegger film, Arnie said, with his trademark timing, the "D" word.

Oh yeah, little one thought to himself, that's a good one. So he started using it. Appropriately.

This morning, he dropped his bottle, looked at his mom and said, "D**m, Jen."

Y'all, I. nearly. died.

I laughed so hard, I nearly threw myself into an asthma attack--and I only have seasonal asthma. I couldn't catch my breath, couldn't talk. When my face turned red, my husband grew alarmed and tried to calm me. But I couldn't stop laughing over the idea that this little two-year-old actually sings, as his mother bemoaned, about broken hearts and beer and cusses. It horrifies my daughter. I sympathize with her, and while I don't condone his behavior and knows she has her hands full trying to correct him, it was so unexpected and so mature, I couldn't help but laugh.

Parenting is so unpredictable. Part of me is praying even harder for him. The other part can't wait to see what he comes up with next.