Writing and Horses and Kittens

The summer has slipped away from us somehow and it's already September. Whether a result of time flying or just major distraction, I'm not sure. Perhaps both. I spent the summer writing. After I released Learning to Live Again via Kindle, I published Eternal Weight of Glory, a short story that features two contrasting crises in the church today. I'm also working on the sequel to Learning to Live, titled River of Life. My projected release date is November 1.

In mid-August, while riding our bikes one day, we heard a pitiful mewling coming from what we thought was a ditch. After checking around, we spotted a tiny kitten in an adjoining soybean field. As it turns out, someone had dumped a litter of tabbies around town. In addition to the little guy in the photo, we found an injured sibling in town, and another woman found yet another in the nearby vicinity. It took five days to coax the one out of the soybean field. When we did, no one wanted it, so now we have a cat.

I wish people would spay or neuter their animals. This one had nearly starved in the field and a vet refused to help the injured kitten, so we had to take it to the shelter, where they put it down. On top of that, we had to find a new home for our finches. The kitten seemed to view them as a snack.

Days after we rescued the kitten, my husband surprised me with a horseback ride and riding lessons for my birthday. I was ticked to death. I enjoyed the trail ride, but I'm also enjoying learning how to groom the horse, put the tack on, and how to control the horse with basic commands. It's also novel research, but you'll have to wait to see why.

Finally, I'm working to update all my blogs. I recently added a list of links to Carolina Towns and Trails, and I'm seriously considering featuring books by Carolina writers on Front Page Fiction. This blog, however, will remain my personal journal, though I have a feeling you'll be seeing more of that silly little cat.